Municipal Library Vamberk / Městská knihovna Vamberk

  • Community
  • Seniors
  • Kids
City size: to 5000
Type: Municipal
Voříškova 84, 517 54 Vamberk, Severovýchod Česko

Contact person
Tereza Michelová ,

We are a library in a small town, with a small team, but big dreams and energy. Our aim is to connect the local community and be open to everything new.


The story of Nicolas Winton

Typ: Community Kids

This programme focuses on the story of Sir Nicolas Winton, teaching primary school pupils about the pre-war situation in Czechoslovakia and the subsequent events. Using elements of experiential learning, we try to familiarize the children with the situation at the time and get them to think about current events. We apply the motto of N. Winton: "If something is not impossible, then there must be a way to do it", to everyday life. You don't have to be a hero to be able to change things around you for the better through small actions. The programme is conducted in a way that allows us to realize that our (even small) actions can positively affect events around us. This true story also makes it easier to recall the key moments of the pre-war and war period (the Munich Agreement, etc.). This programme was used by 9th grade classes in addition to their curriculum and reading on the topic of the Holocaust.

Contact person

Tereza Michelová
