Library of the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics and Business / Knihovna FM

  • Media education
City size: to 50 000
Type: Academic (university libraries)
Jarošovská 1117/II, Jindřichův Hradec

Contact person
Věra Kubátová ,

The Library is located in Jindřichův Hradec and is regularly involved in the educational activities of not only the University of the Third Age, but also professional education.


Professional educational cycle 'How to Survive in a World of Information: Information Management in the Current Environment'

Typ: Media education

Disinformation, fake news, hoaxes, deepfake, social bubbles and information management – these are all major topics today. The educational cycle, the first part of which took place in the winter semester of 2022, set itself the goal of broadening horizons and facilitating orientation in today's media world that is oversaturated with information. The course is not only intended for the professional community of library workers, but also for older students at the University of the Third Age. The lectures taught listeners about everything that today's information and media world brings. They learned how to recognize misleading information and how not to be deceived, influenced and manipulated. During the meeting, those attending the lectures learned about tools that can be used to verify information on the Internet, and they were able to test everything in practical exercises. They learned to judge the credibility of news and its origin. In the following parts of the cycle, we focused on revealing data distortion and ensuring the security of personal and professional accounts and documents. The current topic of manipulation in political marketing and learning how to critically process information, reporting and arguments in political campaigns was an equally important chapter. We help people orient themselves in a world where (dis)information lurks around every corner and you can't hide from it.

Contact person

Věra Kubátová